Norton Bioball with its 4 cm. diameter, is three times as big as the others by means of volume as can be seen at the comperative image beside. Because of the increase in numbers of slices,3 times bigger surface area is acquired again ( On the Bioball having 4 cm. diameter and 12 slices, there is approximately 200cm2 surface area.) The bubbles forming on the inner erosion surfaces assure biological goal better.

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It's noteworthy that choosing raw material is very important.Unfortunately, with the excuse of light,the bioballs produced by recycle raw material cause some problems depending on the wastes in it existing in time. Because of this, metalic color stabilizing the plastic is used. Besides, biological interaction is accelerated by using inorganic additives.

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In addition to the fact that the volume of 16 pieces of Norton Bioball is 1 lt, comperative to bioballs in 1 lt. volume ,it has 30% more surface area. Actually, surface area calculation should be made with 2 factor, because of the fact that it has more active bubbles on its surface. On the volume of 1lt 40-Bioballs there is 16 X 200 cm2 = 3200 cm2 surface area. This surface area is calculated by ignoring surface expansion causing by the bubbles on surface.

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